Thursday, December 18, 2008

Here are 101 tips to get you that body of your dreams:

1. Hire an online personal trainer. I know a really great one :o)

2. Visualize that perfect body on yourself.

3. Write down what you want your body to look like.

4. Tell everybody you know what you are doing and what your goals
are. Tell them that you are accomplishing them, no matter what.

5. Write down every single morsel you put in your mouth.

6. Stay up 15 minutes later each night to prepare your meals for
the next day.

7. Put your cardio equipment in front of the T.V. and watch your
favorite show while you burn a couple hundred more calories.

8. When you go to the grocery store, buy only the food on your
meal plan.

9. Take cash only to the grocery store to prevent a candy bar
accidentally sneaking in the basket.

10. Learn a hobby that takes time and keeps your hands out of the
cookie jar. Crochet and knitting are good for this.

11. Keep carrot sticks, celery, and cucumber on hand at all times
for those stressful-need-crunchy-food emergencies.

12. Keep a bowlful of prepared sugar free, fat free jello in your
fridge at all times.

13. Use a nasty inlaw, a jealous coworker, whoever gets on your
nerves, as motivation to show off.

14. See if you can increase your pushups everyday.

15. When you do your cardio, try to burn at least 10 more calories
than you did the last time.

16. Don't be afraid of pushing yourself.

17. Don't be afraid of the brand new body you are going to have.

18. Love yourself enough to take care of YOU first!

19. Just smile. When everybody else is complaining about their new
diet, just smile.

20. When you are sticking to a meal plan, doing your workouts,
working hard and you start to feel bad...jump for joy because that
is when your body is changing the most.

21. PMS doesn't control you.

22. Don't be afraid of snow or rainy weather. Run through it
anyway. You may run faster and burn more calories to get out of
the weather.

23. Don't use your kids as an excuse.

24. Don't use your spouse as an excuse.

25. Don't use your job as an excuse.

26. Don't use ANYTHING as an excuse.

27. Stop looking for shortcuts. Slow and steady wins the race.

28. Forgive yourself when you mess up and move on. It's not the
end of the world.

29. Write in a journal all the feelings you have with the new body.
Not when you get the body. See it now.

30. Buy a good, expensive pair of running shoes. Don't go cheap

31. Work out to improve joint pain. Don't not work out to avoid it.

32. Post on online forums about your journey. Don't hide yourself.

33. Tell a few jokes and laugh your butt off.

34. Be nice to yourself.

35. Play mind games with yourself to get you through one more
minute of cardio.

36. Food is not a reward.

37. Eat to live. Don't live to eat.

38. Reward yourself with nail polish, a new workout outfit, or a
trashy celebrity magazine for a great week of workouts and eating

39. Be honest with yourself.

40. Be honest with your trainer.

41. Utilize your trainer's (or support teams) services.

42. Compete with yourself.

43. Choose healthy. Skinny is a dirty word.

44. Repeat your affirmations when you wake up and when you go to

45. Model successful people.

46. Teach people what has helped you.

47. Express yourself on a blog, on a forum, or through your hobbies.

48. Write down 5 things that make you special.

49. Challenge the status quo. Are you 50 years old? You don't
have to look like it.

50. Don't give up. Ever.

51. Have a good cry and move on. Don't wallow in self pity.

52. Set out your workout clothes the night before.

53. Set your alarm 15 minutes earlier every day until you are up an
hour ealier than normal and work out!

54. Scour the internet for new recipes for your meal plan.

55. Post pictures of people you want to look like all over your
house and car.

56. A perfect body does not happiness make.

57. Believe in yourself.

58. Beat the odds. When everyone else gives up the 2nd week in
January, you keep going, Tiger.

59. Don't complicate your program. Just do it.

60. Get excited.

61. Quit letting sugar, salt, and alcohol steal your dreams.

62. Learn to listen to your body.

63. Read fitness magazines to get inspired.

64. Plan your new wardrobe.

65. When you are cooking dinner, do 10 jumping squats for a quick
few calories burned.

66. Have Faith in yourself.

67. Do this life and body change NOW. Someday will never come.

68. Aim to improve your life, not just your body.

69. Meditate.

70. Watch The Biggest Loser. Get season DVD's and do your cardio.

71. Make everything you do a way to burn a few extra calories.

72. Don't hang around negative people.

73. When you have a negative thought, immediately replace it with a
positive one.

74. Look at the big picture.

75. Arrange your big goals into smaller, more manageable goals.

76. Buy a bikini.

77. Plan a vacation where you can show off that new body.

78. Don't settle. Always reach.

79. Maintenance weight is a myth.

80. Find a park nearby and take pictures as you walk or hike.

81. Buy bikes for everyone in your family and go for Sunday rides

82. Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day.

83. Your post workout meal can make you or break you. Choose what
you eat wisely.

84. Be open to trying new foods.

85. Don't take yourself so seriously.

86. You belong in the gym just as much as the meatheads do. They
don't own the place ya know.

87. Make a big deal over your victories. Brag on yourself!

88. When a chocolate craving hits, drink sugar free hot chocolate.

89. Don't depend on your workout partner to always be there. Be
there for yourself first.

90. Stay busy and don't let yourself get bored.

91. Look yourself in the eyes every morning and say "You're

92. Try an audiobook for your next cardio session.

93. Before going to sleep at night, pray for yourself and 10 people
that you love.

94. Set a time to do your workouts every day. Schedule it in your
day planner and don't let anything get in your way.

95. Don't you dare buy anymore fat clothes.

96. Keep a chart of your losses (or muscle gains) but don't dwell
on it.

97. Try different kinds of tea or coffee when you are feeling
hungry but it's not time to eat yet.

98. What other people think doesn't matter. This is your life.

99. You are significant and deserve to live the best life

100. Time will pass if you decide to change yourself or not.
Question is: how do you want to look? Fat or healthy?

101. Don't wait for someone to inspire you. You inpire THEM!

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